Nette D’haene - Kinesiste

Nette D’haene – Kinesiste

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 

Master in Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie, afstudeerrichting Musculoskeletale aandoeningen, optie Sportrevalidatie

Physical Coaching AcademyPersonal Trainer – NASM National Academy of Sports Medicine  (EREPS level 4)

Ervaring: Kinesiste KFC Herent 2014-2018 (voetbal 1e provinciale)

Bijkomende opleidingen en congressen:

Complex Core l en ll – Roman Jahoda

Postgraduaat “Functioneel tapen in de Praktijk” – FICO

4th European Fascia Congress ‘Bewegingsperceptie ontrafeld’ – BCIG Fasciale Kinesitherapie

37e Limburgs Sportmedisch Congres 2018 – To cut or not tot cut?

Dry Needling – Johnson McEvoy & Florian Wick

Low Back Pain – Johnson McEvoy

McKenzie Therapie: – McKenzie Institute Benelux

Running Related Injuries: Rehab & Prevention – Runningsmart
Interuniversitair Congres Sportkinesitherapie – BFSP

Analysing Running Technique and Running Re-education – Runningsmart

DRY NEEDLING – Advanced lower quadrant

Inspanningsfyologie en trainingsopbouw –  Joris verrydt

Rehabilitation of tendinopathy: differences between upper and lower limb tendons – jill cook